Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paul Pena

Paul Pena is possibly one of the most underrated musicians of all time. It's hard to classify him to a certain genre of music, but he mainly does Rock, Blues, and Tuvan throat singing. He was a blind black musician mainly active from 1969 to 1973. His first album plainly named "Paul Pena" was released  in 1972. In 1973 he started recording a new album, "New Train" But after a dispute between his manager  Gunther Weil ( Bob Dylan's former manager) and record company owner Albert Grossman the release was canceled. Furthermore, Albert Grossman informed Paul Pena that he was contractually obligated to Bearsville Records (the record company that Grossman owned) , and he could not record to another lable. Paul Pena , being blind, had trouble finding a job , and couldn't really support himself. Elsewhere Paul Pena's former keybordist  Ben Sidran had joined a new band. The Steve Miller Band. Sidran gave Steve Miller an unreleased copy of "New Train". Steave Miller took particular interest in one of the songs on the Album "Jet Airliner". He later contatcted Paul Pena and the record company, asking for permission to cover this song. So whenever Steve Millers "Jet Airliner" was played, Paul Pena recieved royalties, and that's mostly how he stayed alive.  In my opinion, he's one of the greatest musicians I have ever heard. However very few have actually heard him. So I'd just like to spread a little knowledge, and a little good music. Check him Out on Youtube, iTunes , or whatever music site you go to. 


  1. Unfortunately, no. He died in 2005. He had pancreitis and diabeties . He was 55

  2. I am listening to "Gonna Move" right now. This is so groovin'.

  3. Gunther Weil was Dylan's former manager and Albert Goldman was Dylan's subsequent manager, poor Paul got ground up in a clash of giant egos

  4. did some more research - Weil was never Dylan's manager but Goldman was - they did not get along, probably because Goldman demanded an extra 10% from everyone, claiming he was that much better - Weil is now a corporate life coach! poor Paul!
