Rock and Roll has developed and evolved in many ways over the years, however many people still fail to acknowledge some of the people who helped to start rock. In my opinion rock really started with old blues. With musicians like Bo Diddley, Blind Wille Johnson, and the " Jack-of-all-trades- bluesman" Charley Patton.
If you boil down rock and roll to its roots, then you see these men come up.They inspired many more musicians, who inspired other musicians, and so on and so forth until the result is the rock we listen to today. And those musicians will inspire future musicians to keep Rock and Roll alive.
Here we have Charley Patton's "Pony Blues"
Here's Blind Willy Johnson's " Dark was the night"
And here's Bo diddley's "Who do you love"
Wonder what those guys would think if they could see themselves posted to a blog and given that kind of credit!! I like Robert Johnson as well.